Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Pink party princess glitter extravaganza
spell. For Christmas, I decided to make her some dress up clothes.
There was so much pink, glittery tulle and satin on my couch it made
my teeth hurt.
I'm pretty happy with how the two skirts turned out, but quickly
realized that she may hate them because they don't have crappy plastic
princess gems on the front.
So I went out and bought some. And hand-sewed them on. The irony here
is killing me.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Quilt: Done
I finally finished the quilt some time ago, but I haven't had the time or mental space to post the photo. But here it is!

H was very pleased with it. She admired it, then pushed it to the foot of the bed and asked for her "red" blanket--the one that Tara made for her when she was a baby. Well then.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Estate sale finds
packaging apparently), sparkly blue earrings, and a tiny suitcase...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Dinosaur Silkscreen

I've forgotten the particular name of the dinosaur, but the artist (and model) here could tell you, along with many important details.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Binding has Begun

Now I need to hand-sew the binding to the front, and then wash and dry.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Quilt: Progress and Setback
In general, I'm pleased with the results. But I didn't expect to have such trouble sewing a straight line. I sew from one edge of the quilt to the other, but my "straight" lines will suddenly veer off, or they'll hiccup. And I didn't really think about what Katie Did meant by a "slight diagonal." My angles at first were much wider, so I would leave great swaths unquilted.

And then I suddenly remembered the binding. I hadn't bought any fabric for the binding. This wouldn't be a problem except that I wanted to use the same fabric for the binding as I had used for the back. I went to the fabric store and -- of course -- they no longer have that fabric. I've ordered it online, so soon I'll be back in business.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Quilt, Day 2

I've read about basting with pins, I've read about basting with needle and thread -- so when I ran out of safety pins, I switched to needle and thread. The pins took longer, but they do seem more dependable.

I've just installed my new walking foot, so tonight I plan to start quilting. I guess I'll find out if the basting worked.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Quilt 2, Day 1
I've been inspired by the "Go-To Quilt" tutorial on katiedid. This will be a birthday present for H on her 3rd--and a way to celebrate the momentous transition out of the crib in our room and into the lower bunk in her brother's room.
She is helping me make it. The first step, apparently, is to make a tent with the fabric.

The next step involved piecing the yardage together to make the top. I measured 47 times and successfully cut using my new rotary cutter. "Are you cutting off fingers now?" she asked, remembering the lecture I gave them about the dangers of the cutter.
Because I am so smart, I remembered to mark the grain of the fabric so that, when pieced, all three panels would go in the same direction. I marked carefully, attached the outer panels upside down, and sewed masterfully away. Such is my sewing life.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
I've already started transforming it with pots of tester paint
(doesn't the green look better?) It's like all the fun of interior
design in 1/10 the time! I want to see what I can do without spending
any money...
No idea where it's going when done. Mimi's? Obviously no space for it
Vintage Metal Trays

Nearly bought these exact trays at a thrift store 6 months ago.
Decided I didn't need them.
Found 14 of them today while thrifting. Decided the universe is
telling me I DO need them!
Birthday Crown

I finished my first birthday crown in time for my nephew's 2nd birthday. I was clearly more excited about it than he was. Here it is on my own five year old--I forced him to model it.
What Was I Thinking??
Well, I finished them late last night. Not sure what possessed me to
make three sets of *eight* napkins for teacher appreciation week.
Surely four would have been just as nice?
I think the fabrics really suit each recipient. S - a vintagey floral,
J - black (of course) with birds, and M - beachy with tropical colors.
AND, I learned an important sewing lesson. Change your needle. Often.
Especially when you are tired and frustrated by your machine. :)
Easter Eggs

Fluttering Flags

particularly unattractive pair of linen pants found while thrifting
for 60 cents.
More Picnic Blankets
Originally posted 02/09/2010
bit off.
Original price tag on box - $54.95. I paid $4. Don't you just love
thrift stores?!
More Pillow Case Dresses
I was on a roll yesterday and made four. Now, what the heck to do with
Molasses Cookies
Christmas gift for Pa. Part 2 of "a year of cookies". Part 1 was oatmeal raisin. They are beautiful - especially dusted with sparkly turbinado sugar.
New Year's Garland

Tic-tac-toe Mats
Somehow got talked into another craft fair project. Elyse made the
game pieces - little mushrooms, and provided the fabric. I did the