Thursday, September 13, 2012

Invisibility Cloak

Obviously you can't see it here, but you get the idea.

B wanted an invisibility cloak, so while we were in MN we went to Hancock Fabrics and found the perfect solution: silver Liquid Foil. He can see out just perfectly, while the rest of the world can't see a thing. And it feels fantastic: it's slippery and metallic and heavy in a cool way. I cut the yardage into three rectangles, and then just sewed the pieces together with a curved seam at the top. The raw edges definitely needed to be finished, as the fabric starts to run almost immediately.

It's even big enough for Harry, Ron, and Hermione. When they were first-years, anyhow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Princess Gown

Somebody wanted a real gown for her "princess" doll, so I tried my hand with an honest-to-goodness Barbie pattern (McCalls 8552). I won't say it was easy, but it wasn't as difficult as I feared. I'm glad I chose the sparkly gold fabric: after all that fiddling, I wouldn't have wanted it to be just so-so.

Only now do I understand all the time and energy my grandmother put into making clothes for my Barbie. If only she had done it for a girl with a bit more foresight. I can perfectly picture the garage sale thirty years ago, when I sold them all.